Getting ready
Aah these two sweeties! Have I mentioned I fall in love with every couple I photograph? I do. And this one is no exception! Louise and Björn went back to their roots in Karlskrona for their wedding, and it was a day full of emotion, reunion and lots of laughter.

First look
It's hard not to tear up in this moment.

Coming back from their little tête-à-tête (plus me), their lovely friends were waiting and greeting them with cheer and more love. It created a moment for us to gather them all for a bunch of pictures before the ceremony.

In the beautiful church in the centre of Karlskrona, Louse and Björn shared a precious, emotional ceremony together with their family and friends, and naturally having their dog as the ring bearer.

More love
And more time for tête-à-tête (plus me)!

Mingle & dinner
This is a paragraph.

I just LOVE when I get to steal the couple for a few minutes during sunset, and Louise & Björn wasn't playing hard to get, doing a fabulous job looking stunning this magical evening.