philip and fredrik

Getting ready

In the very south of Sweden, close to the ocean, Philip and Fredrik chose a lovely venue for an intimite and heartfilled wedding.

Philip and fredrik


Right after getting ready (and right before the thunderstorm hit us), we strolled down to the beach for a casual photo session. These two are so easy to love, and I was happy to get some time to get to know them better.



Not only are they an awesome couple, they have awesome friends and family too.

philip and fredrik


Since the rain was still pouring, the ceremony was relocated to inside, which became even more intimate. And this sure was the most emotional moment of the day.

philip and fredrik


Heaps of lovely speaches, surprises and a brilliant toast-couple, this dinner was no less that filled with appreciation from all the people sharing their love for the couple.

philip and fredrik


An open fire and dance dance dance!